You've accepted Cathy
You've accepted Veronica's feelings
You are free to go through
You stood up for yourself
You remained calm
You've decided to call Diana
You gave your seeds to Cherry
You want to stay with Ella
You have chosen Ella
You are taking Selina and Veronica with you
You've decided to embrace Kylie & Riley
You've embraced Veronica
You've made an excuse to escape Riley and Selina
You've explained to Selina and Riley
You've decided to have fun with others
You met Ella for the first time
You've decided to keep the protein
You've decided to go to Diana's place
You've decided to help Kylie
You have helped Tana
You kissed Madison
You gave permission to Veronica
You've decided to lie to Selina
You rejected Ella
You've rejected Selina
You've rejected Veronica
You kissed Selina for the first time
You've listened to Selina
You have chosen Selina
You've made plans with Selina
You gave your soda water to Cherry
You've decided to chat with Riley
You've decided to stay with Veronica
You've tricked both Selina & Veronica
You've decided to tell Selina the truth
You've heard Veronica's confession
Ella is coming to you
You've decided to watch the show
You've decided to throw away the protein