Congratulations! You have achieved a 'score of 500'!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 50 Pineapples' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved '1000 plays'!
Congratulations! You have achieved 'Shooting Fruit 50,000 times '!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 100 Watermelons' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 500 Apples' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 10 Pineapples' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 5,000 Bananas' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 10,000 Strawberries' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 2 pineapples at the same time'!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 1,000 Blueberries' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 50 Watermelons' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 5,000 Strawberries' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved 'Shooting Fruit 10,000 times '!
Congratulations! You have achieved '100 plays'!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 500 Blueberries' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved 'Make a Pineapple'!
Congratulations! You have achieved a 'score of 400'!
Congratulations! You have achieved 'Shooting Fruit 5,000 times '!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 100 Apples' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 1,000 Bananas' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved a 'score of 300'!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 10 Watermelons' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 500 Bananas' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 1,000 Strawberries' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 50 Apples' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 100 Blueberries' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 500 Strawberries' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved 'Shooting Fruit 1,000 times '!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 50 Blueberries' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved '10 plays'!
Congratulations! You have achieved 'Shooting Fruit 500 times '!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 100 Bananas' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 10 Apples' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 50 Bananas' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 10 Blueberries' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 100 Strawberries' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved a 'score of 200'!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 10 Bananas' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 50 Strawberries' challenge!
Congratulations! You have achieved 'Shooting Fruit 100 times '!
Congratulations! You have achieved a 'score of 100'!
Congratulations! You have achieved the 'Make 10 Strawberries' challenge!