Eliminate a total of 10000 enemies.
Win a total of 1 battles.
Castle reachs level of 2 .
Eliminate a total of 1 Wolf King.
Reach a total of 1 camps.
Come back to Aurorium for 2 times.
Collect a total of 20 Artifacts in one run.
Collect a total of 40 Artifacts in one run.
Magic Council reachs level of 2 .
Unlock Magic Council.
Blacksmith Shop reachs level of 2 .
Unlock Blacksmith Shop.
Eliminate a total of 50000 enemies.
Eliminate a total of 1 The Envy.
Eliminate a total of 1 Elite enemies.
Eliminate a total of 10 Elite enemies.
Reach a total of 10 camps.
Encounter a total of 5 Events in one run.
A total of 1 upgrades bought in Magic Council.
A total of 1 upgrades in Magic Council reach level max.
Collect a total of 6 Str Skills in one run.
Collect a total of 6 Int Skills in one run.
Collect a total of 1 max level Synergies in one run.
A total of 1 skills unlock in Blacksmith Shop.
A total of 1 weapons unlock in Blacksmith Shop.
A total of 1 weapon enhances in Blacksmith Shop.