You won 40 matches against the AI with Jago.
You defeated Gargos with Tusk.
You defeated Gargos with Jago.
You performed a Finishing Move!
You performed an Ultra!
You defeated Gargos with Sabrewulf.
You spent 400 credits!
You won 40 matches against the AI with Fulgore.
You won 40 matches against the AI with TJ Combo.
You won 40 matches against the AI with Orchid.
You won 40 matches against the AI with Glacius.
You won 40 matches against the AI with Tusk.
You won 40 matches against the AI with Spinal.
You won 40 matches against the AI with Kim Wu.
You won 40 matches against the AI with Saberwulf.
You won 40 matches against the AI with Maya.
You defeated Gargos with Fulgore.
You defeated Gargos with TJ Combo.
You defeated Gargos with Orchid.
You defeated Gargos with Glacius.
You defeated Gargos with Spinal.
You defeated Gargos with Kim Wu.
You defeated Gargos with Maya.
You defeated Gargos with with all characters.
You defeated Gargos using only one credit.
You performed a No Mercy on every character in the game.
You performed an Ultra with every character in the game.
You saw all victory animations and endings.
You won a match in every arena.
You won 20 consecutive matches against the AI.