Get all trophies
View a replay with the Replay/Rewind feature
Score 100 Tournament Points in any online tournament
Score 500 Tournament Points in any online tournament
Score 1000 Tournament Points in any online tournament
Win an online tournament
Edit your character
Collect all waistcoats
Spend 5 Skill Points
Win the China Open
Win the World Championship
Win the Grand Prix
Resume play from an earlier shot using the Replay/Rewind feature
Win the Masters
Win the Pot Black event
Win the Shanghai Masters
Win the UK Championship
Win the Welsh Open
Qualify for a Championship
Win the 8 Ball Pool Championship
Lose a frame by sinking the black
Perform 3 Jump shots
Perform 3 Swerve shots
Win a non-Qualifier Snooker Championship match without using the Replay/Rewind feature to retake a shot
Perform 3 Combo Shots
Pot 2 or more balls on any single shot in the 8 ball season mode
Perform 3 Bank shots
Perform a Break Ace by potting the 9 ball from the break in any 9 ball match
Clear the table from the break
Win all frames in a Golden Cue match
Win the Golden Cue Championship
Collect all Trophies
Win a Snooker Season match without either the Aiming Aid or Positional Aid active
Earn a score of 10 in a single visit to the table
Use the Replay/Rewind feature 10 times
Earn a score of 100 in a single visit to the table
Earn a score of 147 in a single visit to the table without using the Rewind feature
Earn a score of 50 in a single visit to the table in a Snooker Season
Win a non-qualifier Snooker season match versus Ronnie O'Sullivan
Win a non-qualifier Snooker season match versus Steve Davies
Successfully pot 1 ball using a plant in a snooker Season match
Achieve rank 1 in the World Rankings
Achieve rank 32 in the World Rankings
Achieve rank 16 in the World Rankings
Achieve rank 8 in the World Rankings
Win 10 online ranked matches
Win 50 online ranked matches
Win 3 online ranked matches in a row
Beat a higher ranked opponent in an online ranked match
Win an online ranked match without the opponent scoring
Achieved a score of 10 or more on a single visit to the table in the Snooker season mode
Successfully potted 1 ball using a plant in a snooker Season match
Won a Snooker Season match without either the Aiming Aid or Positional Aid active
Qualified for a championship in snooker season mode
Performed a Break Ace by potting the 9 ball from the break in any 9 ball match versus an AI opponent
Achieved a score of 50 or more on a single visit to the table in the Snooker season mode
Performed 3 jump shots with a pot in the 8 ball season mode
Potted 2 or more balls on any single shot in the 8 ball season mode
Defeated a player of higher rank in an online ranked match
You won the 8 ball Pool Championship
Achieved a score of 100 or more on a single visit to the table in the Snooker season mode
You won the Pot Black Event in Snooker season mode
You won the Grand Prix event in Snooker season mode
You won the China Open event in Snooker season mode
You won the Welsh Open in Snooker season mode
You won the Shanghai Masters in Snooker season mode
You won the UK Championship in Snooker season mode
You won the World Championship in Snooker season mode
You won the Masters event in Snooker season mode
You won the Golden Cue Tournament
You achieved a world ranking of 32 or better in Snooker season mode
Cleared the table from the break in a championship pool match
You achieved a world ranking of 16 or better in Snooker season mode
You achieved a world ranking of 8 or better in Snooker season mode
Achieved a score of 147 on a single visit in Season mode without using a Rewind
You are number one in the world!
Viewed a replay with the Replay/Rewind feature in a championship match
Resumed play from an earlier shot using the Replay/Rewind feature in a championship match
Won a non-Qualifier Snooker season match without using a Rewind
Used the Replay/Rewind feature 10 times in a championship match
Won 10 online Ranked matches
Won 50 online Ranked matches
Won 3 online Ranked matches in a row
Won a frame in an online ranked Snooker match without the opponent scoring
Scored 100 Tournament Points in any online Tournament
Scored 500 Tournament Points in any online Tournament
Scored 1000 Tournament Points in any online Tournament
Won any online Tournament
Edited your characters appearance
Collected all waistcoats
Spent 5 Skill Points
Lost a frame by sinking the 8 ball prematurely in the 8 ball season mode
Performed 3 swerve shots with a pot in the 8 ball season mode
Performed 3 combo shots with a pot in the 8 ball season mode
Perform 3 bank shots in the 8 ball season mode
Won all frames in a Golden Cue match
Collected all Trophies
Won a non-qualifier Snooker season match versus Ronnie O'Sullivan
Won a non-qualifier Snooker season match versus Steve Davies