War Leaders: Clash of Nations

Genres: Strategy
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Clash of Nations is a 3D strategy game set in the Second World War, with two clearly differentiated playing parts, where the main goal for the player is to win the war with the help of his allies, so a change in the course of WWII History can be accomplished by assuming the role of an important and historic character: a "War Leader".


  • Combines a sophisticated Manager part with dramatic RTS battles providing a great variety of game mechanics (resource and building management, diplomacy, R&D, special missions,...).

  • 3D Terrain & Terraforming effects. The game has a completely 3D terrain. All units follow the curves of the terrain while moving. The heights influence the gameplay significantly as the units on heights have an advantage of larger sight range and fire range. Further more, the terrain curves will be affected by the impact of projectiles, producing terraforming effects.

  • Highly detailed 3D Units. All units are 3D animated models, with up to 3.500 polygons, and making use of normal and specular maps, thus providing outstanding visual qualities not seen on strategy games.

  • All WWII implied factions covered. Player will choose from 7 most relevant factions to play, but will find all the other 6 plus another 13 belligerent parties, and many other neutral countries.

  • Total Control of all aspects of war. Users will control the implied faction, its Leader, Generals, Heroes, war units,... but also all matters related to diplomacy, military research, espionage, economy & resources management,...

  • State-of-the-Art graphics and battles. Battles will be performed in landscape scenarios (up to 4Km2) and cities, all with outstanding levels of graphic representation (high level of polygons on units and constructions, weather and lightning effects, particle systems, spectacular physics for authentic presentation of explosions, chain-reactions, flying debris, terraforming with side effects, ...)