You defeated both Alexion and Blizz!
You have defeated the Alien Mystic!
Hey there buddy! I got bad news.
You have defeated the ancient emperor!
Welcome new warrior Areos!
You have defeated the Big Cat!
You have defeated Bloodgore!
Welcome new warrior Bloodshadow!
You have defeated the Crawlers!
You have defeated the Dark Ogre!
Welcome new warrior Deathrize!
You have defeated the Demigod!
You have slayed the fiend Draconan!
You have defeated the Dungeon Beast!
Welcome new warrior Emerald King!
You're half way there!!!
You have defeated the Forest Zombie!
Welcome new warrior Frosty King!
The have reached the end of the game, celebrate!!!
Welcome new warrior Ghastly!
You have defeated the Guardian!
You have defeated Hyperman!
You are officially in the war for Urizen!
You have defeated Kah!
Welcome new warrior Ketan!
King Urek has been saved!!!
You have defeated Lao!
You have defeated the Lizard King!
You have defeated the Man of Blue Fire!
I am the Shaman and I know who you are!
You have defeated the Octobeast!
Welcome new warrior Rampage!
Welcome new warrior Romus!
You have defeated the Sea King Beast!
Welcome new warrior Sentry!
Welcome new warrior Shinuai!
King Urek lives!!!
You have defeated The Rider!
You got 1000 lives!
Your training is over.
You have defeated the Wind God!
You have visited the witches hut!