Complete the NETSEC tutorial.
Complete the AGENT tutorial.
Be the first to vote for someone's death.
Win your first multiplayer match.
Send a broadcast message.
Equip a new avatar.
Win a game as Agent Leader
Win a game as analyst
Win a game as Blackhat
Win a game as Bounty Hunter
Win a game as CCTV Specialist
Win a game as Corrupt Detective
Win a game as Enforcer
Win a game as Field Agent
Win a game as Improvised hacker
Win a game as Inside Man
Win a game as Journalist
Win a game as a mole (Field Operations)
Win a game as a mole (Investigative)
Win a game as a mole (Offensive)
Win a game as Network Specialist
Win a game as Operation Leader
Win a game as Resentful Criminal
Win a game as Rival Hacker
Win a game as Runaway Snitch
Win a game as Script Kiddie
Win a game as Social Engineer
Win a game as Sociopath
Win a game as Spearphisher