Begin Part One.
Begin Part Two.
Complete Ransome's Flashback.
Complete Delores's Flashback.
Begin Part Three.
Complete Franklin's Flashback.
Catch the killer.
Begin Part Four.
Get an alive character into the Hotel penthouse.
Begin Part Five.
Complete the game in casual mode.
Complete the game in hard mode.
Escape from the sewers.
Collect 25 specks of dust.
Read 100 books in the library.
Read all the Thimbleweed Nickel newspapers.
Visited every floor in the hotel.
Collect 50 specks of dust.
Listen to 100 Voicemail messages.
Make everyone cry about their life.
Collected 75 specks of dust.
Didn't pick up any specks of dust.
Part One: The Meeting.
Part Two: The Body
Completed Ransome's Flashback.
Completed Delores's Flashback.
Part Three: The Arrest.
Completed Franklin's Flashback.
Caught the killer.
Part Four: The Will.
Got an alive character into the Hotel penthouse.
Part Five: The Reading.
Completed the game in casual mode.
Completed the game in hard mode.
Escaped from the sewers.
Collected 25 specks of dust.
Collected 50 specks of dust.
Listened to 100 Voicemail messages.
Made everyone cry about their life.
Collect all trophies.
Visit every floor in the hotel.
Collect 75 specks of dust.