Set against the backdrop of the Old World, two adventurers - both seasoned warriors - will quest across a Western Europe ablaze with the turmoil of a newly begun Fourth Crusade. Denz, a holy Templar, and Esteban, a roguish mercenary, may have different origins, but their motivations are the same: amidst the danger and despair of a new Crusade, to find the means to deliver themselves from a terrible curse that threatens to consume their immortal souls.
- The Old World Burns -Embark on a contentious quest for retribution spanning five chapters and 40 missions that promise to bring fire, death, and destruction to the great cities of medieval Europe.
- A Templar Cursed--Transform the world around you into a flaming red vision of Hell, increasing your strength and your ability to perceive hidden things, all at the expense of your humanity.
- Brotherhood of Steel--Split-screen or online, recruit a friend to assume control of the thief, Esteban, to join in the excitement of shared adventure.
- Intense, visceral 3rd-person action--Easy to grasp yet deep in its execution, a weapon-based combat engine features over 90 combos, 130+ weapons, and a timing-based counter system.