Kill 40 hybrids in the Single Player Campaign.
Collect 5 pieces of Intel in the Single Player Campaign.
Tag and kill 30 enemies with the Bullseye in the Single Player Campaign.
Get 30 headshots while scoped in with the Fareye or Marksman in the Single Player Campaign.
Get 150 kills with the Carbine 40mm, LAARK, or Frag Grenade in the Single Player Campaign.
Get 30 kills with the Magnum secondary fire in the Single Player Campaign.
Set 100 enemies of fire with the Bellock Semi-Automic, Air-Fuel Grenade, Spider Grenade, or environmental hazard in the Single Player Campaign.
Kill 50 enemies using the Wraith with the force barrier engaged in the Single Player Campaign.
Kill 50 enemies through solid matter with the Auger in the Single Player Campaign.
Use the Auger force barrier to stop 150 incoming enemy shots in the single player Campaign.
Get 10 one-hit head-shot kills with the Shotgun in the Single Player Campaign.
Get 50 kills with the Hedgehog in the Single Player Campaign.
Get 50 melee kills with any weapon in the Single Player Campaign.
Destroy 40 vehicles in the Single Player Campaign.
Get 50 indirect kills using explosive objects in levels in the Single Player Campaign.
Achieve the rank of Lieutenant.
Get 20 kills with each weapon in the Single Player Campaign.
Collect all the Intel documents in the Single Player Campaign.
Kill 30 Spinners in the Single Player Campaign.
Kill 1000 enemies in the Single Player Campaign.
Use every berserk at least once in Online Competitive Multiplayer.
Earn 1 million XP from ranked games in online Competitive mode.
Score 10,000 kills in ranked matches in Online Competitive Multiplayer.
Collect 50 pieces of gray tech in the Cooperative Campaign.
Complete 20 missions in the Cooperative Campaign.
Complete 5 missions with a full party of 8 in the Cooperative Campaign.
Complete one mission on each region in the Cooperative Campaign.
Reach max level (30) with one class in the Cooperative Campaign.
Kill 200 Elite Chimerans in the Cooperative Campaign.
Collect all Intel in the Cooperative Campaign.