Aim to win the Serie A.
Aim to win the Eredivisie.
Aim to win the Liga Española.
Aim to win the Ligue 1.
Aim to win the England League.
Aim to win the International League.
Aim to win the Reebok Cup.
Aim to win the International Cup.
Aim to win the European Cup.
Aim to win the African Cup.
Aim to win the American Cup.
Aim to win the Asia-Oceanian Cup.
Aim to win the Konami Cup.
Aim to win the Master League: D2 League.
Aim to win the Master League: D2 Cup.
Aim to win the Master League: D1 League.
Aim to win the Master League: D1 Cup.
Experience online matches. (ranked match)
Aim to play 10 online matches. (ranked match)
Aim to play 100 online matches. (ranked match)
Aim to win 10 online matches. (ranked match)
Aim to win 50 online matches. (ranked match)
Aim to win 100 online matches. (ranked match)