Get all trophies
Promote a single character 5 times.
Spend your first star.
Vanquish 5000 Zombies.
Vanquish 5000 Plants.
Complete an Ops game on CRRRRRAAAZY Difficulty.
Complete 100 waves in Ops.
Defeat 3 Super Boss Waves in Ops.
Reach the boss wave using the Flag of Power in the Backyard Battleground.
Complete 10 Epic Quests.
Max out your XP Multiplier on the quest board.
Vanquish 50 Plants with the Z-Mech's Robo Stomp.
Stun 50 Z-Mechs using Citron's EMPeach.
As Super Brainz, vanquish 25 Plants with Heroic Fists, and 25 Plants with the Heroic Beam.
Vanquish 25 Plants with the Scurvy Scattershot, and 25 Plants with the Spyglass Shot.
Promote a character for the first time.
Earn a S-Rank in the Crazy Targets Range.
Gesture immediately after vanquishing a player.
Visit a friend's Backyard Battleground, or have a friend visit your Backyard Battleground.
Vanquish a friend in their Backyard Battleground.
Apply a weapon skin to a Zombie's weapon.
Vanquish an opponent using a Potted Plant or Zombot Turret.
In solo ops, swap to another character.
Play a private match with your own custom rules.
As Rose, Goatify 100 Zombies.
As Kernel Corn, vanquish 25 Zombies with the Shuck Shot.
Enter the Zombie Stats room as a Plant.
Find all hidden Garden Gnomes.
Enter the Chamber of Gnomes.
As a Plant, vanquish the Z7 Imp.
As a Goat, vanquish a Plant.
As the Chomper, swallow a Goat.
Enter the Plant Stats room as a Zombie.
Complete 3 Mystery Portal Matches
Enter the Mystery Portal and Defeat a Boss Hunt on Normal Difficulty
Enter the Mystery Portal and Defeat a Boss Hunt on Craaazy Difficulty
Meet the Contribution Requirement for 3 Community Challenges
Enter the Mystery Portal and Complete a Super Mix Event!
Enter the Mystery Portal and Defeat a Boss Hunt on Hard Difficulty
Enter the Mystery Portal and Complete a Full Game of Cats vs Dinos as a Cat
Collect 25 Rainbow Stars from the Mystery Portal
Enter the Mystery Portal and Complete a Full Game of Cats vs Dinos as a Dino
Open 5 Community Challenge Reward Chests.
Complete 'Boom Tombs'.
Complete 'Zero Bark Thirty'.
Complete 'Well That Escalated Quickly'.
Complete 'Showdown'.
Complete 'Captain Smasher's Curse'.
Complete 'Yuck!'.
Complete 'The Bean Situation'.
Complete 'Gold Rush'.
Complete 'Steve-cation'.
Complete 'Strong Coffee'.
Train with the Mysterious Fish.
Customize your Backyard with an Epic Item.
Enter Infinity as a Plant.
Enter Infinity as a Zombie.
Defeat Yellow Gnome King.
Defeat Blue Gnome King.
Defeat Green Gnome King.
Defeat Red Gnome King.
Vanquish Gnomus, the Gnome King!
Discover the Secret Area…What can it be?
New Faces from Craazy Places