Win 50 Ranked Matches online.
Beat the game with Darkstalkers theme team. (Arcade Mode)
Beat the game with X-Men theme team. (Arcade Mode)
Beat the game with Street Fighter theme team. (Arcade Mode)
Win 100 Ranked Matches online.
Defeat opponent in under 15 seconds. (Multiplayer)
Perform a 100 hit combo. (Multiplayer)
Perform a 200 hit combo. (Multiplayer)
Perform a 3 part hyper combo. (Multiplayer)
Perform 50 One Character Victories within 20 unique teams. (Ranked Match)
Perform 10 snapbacks within 20 unique teams. (Ranked Match)
Beat the game with Avengers theme team. (Arcade Mode)
Win 50 Scoreboard Matches online
Win 100 Scoreboard Matches online
Beat the game with X-Men theme team without continuing or challenges. (Arcade Mode)
Beat the game with Street Fighter team without continuing or challenges. (Arcade Mode)
Defeat opponent in under 15 seconds (Multiplayer)
Perform a 100 hit Combo (Multiplayer)
Perform a 200 hit Combo (Multiplayer)
Perform a 3-part Hyper Combo (Multiplayer)
Perform 50 One Character Victories within 20 unique teams in Scoreboard Matches
Perform 10 snapbacks within 20 unique teams in Scoreboard Matches
Beat the game with Avengers theme team without continuing or challenges. (Arcade Mode)
Beat the game with Vampire Saviours theme team without continuing or challenges. (Arcade Mode)