Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

Genres: Action , Adventure
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Experience Jak and Daxter™: The Precursor Legacy originally released on the PlayStation®2 console, enhanced with up-rendering, rewind, quick save, and custom video filters.

Enter a world of magic, adventure, exploration, and discovery where enormous vistas and endearing characters lead you to places beyond your imagination. Test your wits and your skills as you embark on a journey to reverse your best friend's transformation into a furry Ottsel, even as he entangles you in his amusing antics. Discover twisted corruption and battle the sinister minds behind this chilling plot. Light Eco. Precursor Technology. Power Cells. Dark Eco. What does it all mean? Only one person holds the secret behind the power of the mysterious Eco. Together you must now take on these endeavors.

This title has been converted from the PlayStation®2 version to the PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5 consoles and provides newly added features. Consequently, there may be times where the title plays differently from the PlayStation®2 version, or where some features may cause the title to not function properly. This version does not support the PlayStation®2 console’s peripherals, therefore some functionality may not be available.