The Final Stand...
In this, the final episode in the .hack saga, play as the outlaw player Kite to finally unravel the mystery behind "The World". And this time it's against the clock...
As events in "The World" continue to create havoc in the real world, CC Corp faces increasing pressure to move the game servers offline game servers offline, meaning certain death for all comatose victims. It's up to you now. Can you cure this virus and restore order in "The World?" And can you do it before time runs out for your friend, Orca?
- Bring your save data over from Part 3 and hit the ground running in Part 4 with your leveled up characters and items.
- Encounter and trade with your favorite .hack//SIGN characters!
- Simulated MMORPG: no internet connection required!
- Dual Voiceover: Choose either English or Japanese for a totally immersive experience.