Play all Minigames without using a Skip button.
Win a Rune Battle Minigame against a Maskwraith without an error.
Win the final Rune Battle Minigame without an error.
Win the last fight against the Koshmaar without failing.
Finish the last minigame in the game without the skip.
Finish the First Memory Mirror in less than 3 minutes.
Finish the Second Memory Mirror in less than 3 minutes.
Finish the Third Memory Mirror in less than 3 minutes.
Finish the Fourth Memory Mirror in less than 3 minutes.
Finish the Fifth Memory Mirror in less than 3 minutes.
Finish a Hidden Object Puzzle in less than 20 seconds.
Find 3 Hidden Objects within 3 seconds.
Finish all Hidden Object Puzzles without using the Hint button.
Finish a single Hidden Object Puzzle without using the Hint button.
Find the first Collectible.
Find half of all Collectibles.
Find all Collectibles.
Finish Game on Expert Difficulty.
Make a choice whether to fight or to deal with Koshmaar.
Play 4 Minigames in a row without skipping.
Unlock every Trophy.