A dagger gifted to you from a friendly person.
You picked the blonde haired hero.
You breached the Demonions fort.
You opened the gate with the mechanical button riddle.
You found the secret treasure room in the island.
You picked the buzzy hero.
You solved the ancient Catacombs riddle.
You picked the curly haired hero.
You defeated the greatest evil.
You defeated your Nightmare.
You weren't eaten alive by a Lazord.
You entered Hell.
You found a flaming weapon.
You solved the riddle under dangerous conditions.
You have risen from your fall.
You defeated the Golden Titan.
You got an approval to pass the guards into enemy front.
You found the weapon hidden by a past warrior.
You passed through a dangerous riddle in Lava.
You got into a safe room, for now.
You found the real hidden treasure in the inner Catacombs.
You entered to the realm of your nightmare.
You opened the first Chamber.
You opened the fourth Chamber.
You opened the second Chamber.
You opened the third Chamber.
You did a dog service.
You picked the rasta haired hero.
You were able to barter with a rock.
You found the secret of the hidden cap.
You found a secret Falchion.
You found a treasure in the middle of a Lava lake.
You found the hidden Knight Helm.
You found a secret area outside the fort.
You have defeated the skeleton mob.
You solved the riddle of the stone brothers.
You picked the thorny haired hero.
You finished the Demo.