In a world plunged into eternal darkness, humanity’s last hope lies in the Strongholds, massive fortresses powered by the ancient energy of the Forge. You, a member of the elite Forgekeepers, are tasked with defending these Strongholds against relentless alien invaders. As you fight, you’ll grow stronger, earning points to unlock powerful upgrades and new abilities, making you a more formidable warrior with each encounter.
Intense Combat: Engage in fast-paced, tactical combat across diverse battlefields. Fight waves of alien enemies, each with unique abilities and attack patterns, keeping every battle dynamic and challenging.
Dynamic Environments: Battle across a variety of environments, each affected by the darkness that has engulfed the world. From frozen wastelands to collapsing cities, adapt your strategy to survive.
Forgekeeper Progression: Earn points with every enemy you defeat. Use these points to upgrade your weapons, armor, and abilities, becoming an unstoppable force as you defend your Stronghold.
Upgrade Your Forge: Collect rare materials to unlock advanced Forge capabilities, increasing its power and improving the quality of life within your Stronghold. The stronger your Forge, the better your chances of survival.
Resource Collection & Management: Gather critical resources from fallen enemies and the environment to power up the Forge, ensuring your Stronghold’s survival. Your decisions on how to allocate these resources will determine the fate of your people.