Awarded for successfully acquiring every trophy.
Awarded for training all party members to level 50 or above.
Awarded for defeating every single species of monster.
Awarded for recruiting every single species of monster minion.
Awarded for obtaining every available ingredient.
Awarded for obtaining each and every weapon and orb.
Awarded for obtaining every variety of accessory.
Awarded for completing every quest.
Awarded for creating a total of 100 accessories by alchemy.
Awarded for collecting a total of 500,000 gold coins.
Awarded for collecting a total of 200 mini medals.
Awarded for defeating many different varieties of monster.
Awarded for recruiting many different species of monster minion.
Awarded for collecting many different types of ingredients.
Awarded for collecting many different varieties of weapons and orbs.
Awarded for collecting all manner of accessories.
Awarded for completing a large number of quests.
Awarded for defeating a total of 10,000 monsters.
Awarded for completing a total of 50 challenges in the grottoes marked on mysterious maps.
Awarded for attempting to craft an accessory with alchemy.
Awarded for achieving your first alchemical sweet success.
Awarded for expanding your monster medal holder to maximum capacity.
Awarded for expanding your ingredients bag to maximum capacity.
Awarded for expanding your equipment bag to maximum capacity.
Awarded for obtaining the maximum number of Healstones.
Awarded for activating every party member's coup de grâce.
Awarded for clocking up 30 hours of play time in an adventure log.
Awarded for stringing together a combo of 300 hits or more.
Awarded for discovering 40 different Zoom locations.
Awarded for successfully unlocking every achievement.
すべての仲間が レベル50に 到達した
すべての魔物と戦い やっつけた
すべての魔物と出会い 仲間にした
すべての武器と オーブを 手に入れた
すべてのアクセサリーを 手に入れた
アクセサリーの錬金を 累計で100回 おこなった
獲得したゴールドが 累計で50万Gに達した
ちいさなメダルを 累計で200枚集めた
多くの魔物と戦い やっつけた
多くの魔物と出会い 仲間にした
多くの武器や オーブを 手に入れた
多くのアクセサリーを 手に入れた
やっつけた魔物の数が 累計で10000匹を超えた
宝の地図に記された ほこらでの戦いに 累計で50回勝利した
アクセサリーを錬金し 大成功した
仲間モンスタースロットを 最大まで 大きくした
そざいぶくろを 最大まで 大きくした
そうびぶくろを 最大まで 大きくした
所持できる ホイミストーンの数を 最大まで 増やした
仲間全員の 必殺技を すべて 使いこなした
冒険の書の プレイ時間が 30時間に達した
敵に 連続で300回以上 攻撃をヒットさせた
ルーラができる場所を 40カ所以上見つけた