Get 20,000 points.
Kill two enemies with a single stick of dynamite in a single player game.
Pick up a whip, a bat, a knife, a drum, a carton, a stick of dynamite, and a rock.
Finish mission 3 holding a baseball bat.
Pass the bridge in mission 3 without falling in the water.
Complete mission 1 in a single player game without being hit.
Reach mission 4 in a co-op game without continues.
Take out all the enemies before the final boss in a single player game.
Avoid the wall traps in mission 4.
Complete a single player game without using any object.
Beat the other player at the end of a co-op game.
Complete a single player game without continues.
Clear Mission 1
Defeat every character in the Mode B CPU battle (Reset cannot be used)
Clear Mode A
Turn on reverb in sound options
Open all control manuals
Change backgrounds
Adjust Scan lines
Create your own Private Match
Change your avatar
Unlock all achievements