Deadly Premonition is a suspense-horror action adventure for the XBox 360.
Playing as Special Agent Francis York, players must investigate the brutal murder of a young local beauty. Amidst the backdrop of soaring mountains and a town filled with eccentric natives, York must solve the mystery of the Red Seed Murders and stay alive in a place where supernatural creatures and a folklore killer seek to end his investigation... permanently.
Isn't that right, Zach?
- Surveil Greenvale's inhabitants they go about their business - night and day.
- Agent York's appearance influences the locals - keep him fed, shaved and showered or face the consequences.
- Travel in a variety of cars that must be maintained as they consume fuel and accumulate damage.
- Engage in side-quests and mini-games such as fishing, darts and collecting trading cards.
- Original horror story and characterisation including voice acting and history for every Greenvale resident.