In Castlevania: Harmony of Despair, classic vampire hunters from throughout the series come together in order to destroy a host of demonic bosses. Joining forces with friends, up to six players can explore massive levels inspired by the worlds of classic Castlevania titles such as Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin and Order of Ecclesia via the game's co-op functionality - either online or offline. As players employ their cooperative skills to unleash devastating attacks and fight the forces of darkness, they can discover hidden locations, special items and equipment to help in their quest.
Fearless players can even choose to engage in Survival Mode where friends compete against each other to determine the best slayer of evil. The best players on the leaderboard can also upload ghost data and share their information with friends. Featuring detailed 2D art and with plans in place for downloadable content for additional characters and levels, Castlevania: Harmony of Despair will provide next generation players a thrilling gaming experience coupled with the classic Castlevania ethos.
- 6 Player Online Co-Op - Explore and fight Dracula with up to 6 friends online or engage in Survival Mode and see who the last warrior standing is
- Combo Attack System - Unleash devastating attacks by working with your partners to vanquish your foes
- Play Through Classic Castlevania Worlds - Fight the forces of darkness through massive levels inspire by the worlds of Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin and Order of Ecclesia
- Classic 2D Gaming - The fast paced side scrolling action and detailed 2D art push the classic Castlevania formula into the HD era
- DLC Support - More character and levels will be created following the release of the game to continually challenge players in new fun ways