Master the way of the shinobi
Master the way of the samurai
Engrave your first weapon
Equip legendary gear in all slots
Find a legendary piece of gear of each type
Fully upgrade your tools and ammunition
Fully upgrade your rations
Perform a landing roll
Escape conflict by using a breathing reed to hide in shallow water
Distract the same enemy 3 times with shinobi bells
Stay airborne by swinging from one grappling hook point to another
Perform a leap of faith from a grappling hook swing
Perform your first assassination
Assassinate an enemy through a shoji door
Perform 5 assassinations in a row without being noticed or entering combat
Assassinate a powerful guardian in one go
Perform your first Finisher as Yasuke
Parry an incoming projectile
Use Samurai Stand before performing a Finisher on an enemy
Kick an enemy from a high place
Perform a Finisher on an enemy that is both Poisoned and Dazed
Sheath your weapon immediately after an enemy dies from Bleed
Shoot an enemy in the knee with an arrow
Defeat the final enemy in the tournament
Complete your first kofun
Complete your first kata
Complete all Kuji-kiri
Complete all legendary sumi-e
Unlock the Hideout
Add a sumi-e to the Hideout
Fully upgrade a building in the Hideout
Adopt a pet
Reach the highest point on the map
Visit every province on the map
Gather information using a scout
Complete a contract in each province
Unlock every trophy
Perform a finisher on an enemy that is both Poisoned and Dazed