Advance Wars: Dual Strike

Genres: Strategy
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On the heels of its last defeat, the nefarious Black Hole Army has fallen under the control of a deadly new commanding officer. He has sent its new COs to attack the nations of Wars World once again, and it's up to the allied armies of Orange Star, Blue Moon, Yellow Comet and Green Earth to put an end to Black Hole once and for all.

Advance Wars, the award-winning turn-based strategy game, makes its debut on the Nintendo DS. Players lead their new Commanding Officers to fend off the Black Hole Army's latest invasion. With massive battles that sweep across both of the DS screens, Advance Wars: Dual Strike will change the face of war forever.


  • Use the top screen for quick-reference battle intel, or take control in battles that rage across both screens. Command a fleet of fighters high in the skies while troops clash with the enemy on the ground far below.

  • New COs, new Tag-Team battles: Choose from new Commanding Officers, and combine their powers for incredible attacks that can turn the tide of battles.

  • Real-time Combat mode: For a battle with a twist, players lead soldiers into a fast-paced, action-oriented battle against a storm of enemies.

  • Easy-to-use map editor: Just grab a stylus and draw maps right on the touch screen, then send the maps to friends wirelessly.