In the deepest and most uninhabitable pocket of space resides a gas cluster known as the Cephalopod Nebula. Due to its total lack of proximity to well...anything, this sector of space is known as “Absolute Zero”. Which also happens to be the name of the only fueling station whose job it is to continually cruise the nebula swallowing up huge quantities of gas and converting it into fuel for ships traveling through the sector. Other reasons the sector and fueling station may have been given the name “Absolute Zero” are:
Sammy really wants to leave the "Absolute Zero" and only you can help her!
Featuring a classic point-and-click style with modern 3D-rendered graphics, full voice over dialog and full-motion cut scenes, Absolute Zero is a departure from the standard pixel graphics or hand-drawn images typical of this genre.
- It's the temperature inside the nebula
- It's the one and only place to refuel your ship. If you got to the Absolute Zero, it is a guarantee that you won’t be able to make it to any other inhabited sector without refueling
- There is absolutely zero out here
- It describes how much there is to do on the station, if you exclude drinking
- It's the amount of hope you have of a better life if you work on the station
- It's how much the customers care about you and your hopes to someday leave this frozen station
Sammy really wants to leave the "Absolute Zero" and only you can help her!
Featuring a classic point-and-click style with modern 3D-rendered graphics, full voice over dialog and full-motion cut scenes, Absolute Zero is a departure from the standard pixel graphics or hand-drawn images typical of this genre.