The new entry in the Fate franchise, Fate/Samurai Remnant, is about to get the first of the three DLCs in February 2024.
Titled "Record’s Fragment: Keian Command Championship," specific details about what lies ahead remain limited. The teaser trailer showcases Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes as he gains dominion over the destinies of various characters from the original game. Subsequently, he also announces the start of the Keian Command Championship.
Two additional DLCs are also in the pipeline, but their titles and release dates are yet to be unveiled. Both of them are set to introduce additional scenarios, new Servants, stages, and various other improvements. An inclusive Season Pass is offered to anyone who demands access to all the supplementary content, including the exclusive bonus in the form of the Hallowed Relic Sword Mountings.
Fate/Samurai Remnant is available on PlayStation, PC, and Nintendo Switch.