Epic Games have revealed that the next freebie they will be offering to their users via their digital retail outlet Epic Store Games is a multiplayer mystery title First Class Trouble from Invisible Walls.
Released on PC and PlayStation back in November 2021, the plot revolves around a group of players shipped about a top-tier, highly elite space cruiser — the ISS Alithea. At one point, the ship’s AI unit (CAIN) goes rogue and decides to shut down the entire party permanently. Using a number of lifelike androids called “Personoids”, CAIN attempts to sabotage the vessel’s mainframe while a rebellion is being formed to identify the Personoids and beat CAIN down for good.
The game sees six players taking the roles of guests and/or Personoids, with the former tasked being tasked with identifying and ejecting the latter, who then must disrupt the ship’s mechanisms without being detected. It’s not as complicated in practice as it sounds, trust me.
In any case, First Class Trouble will be available to download from the Epic Games Store starting from January 12. Meanwhile, you can still claim your free copies of Kerbal Space Program and Shadow Tactics – Aiko’s Choice.