Flying Wild Hog have announced that the upcoming hack-and-slash shooter, Evil West will launch on September 20 and they also gave us a new trailer to gawk at.

Here’s what the official description says about the game:

“Evil West, the dark fantasy, Weird Wild West, a third-person action game from Focus Entertainment and Flying Wild Hog, just got its long-awaited release date on the books. Coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, and PC, the game will release on September 20! Pre-orders are now open on Steam and on the Focus Store. Get ready for wild vampire hunting with the explosive Release Date Reveal Trailer and exclusive new screenshots.

Get fired up by the explosive third-person action gameplay featuring an overpowering arsenal of weapons and guns. Take part in stylish, visceral combat as you unleash hell with your firearms, lightning-fueled gauntlet, and gadgets.”

Based on what we can see so far, the production looks sleek. Since I really liked Trek to Yomi and the Shadow Warrior games, I expect Flying Wild Hog to be on point once more.

You can check out the trailer below: