Flying Wild Hog have announced that their chaotic shooter sequel Shadow Warrior 3 is coming to Xbox One, PS4, and PC on March 1.

Shadow Warrior 3 is the third installment in the acclaimed first-person shooter franchise and it sees our hero Lo Wang and his face-turn partner Orochi Zilla embarking on a mission to recapture an ancient dragon who was previously released by a group of vile individuals. You will have to fight your way through Neo Feudal Japan in a journey full of breathless and bloodthirsty moments. Hyped enough? You should be.

You can pre-order the game on both Microsoft Store and the PlayStation Network right now. If you do so right now, you’ll be getting a special pre-order bundle for around $50. This edition unlocks previous releases Shadow Warrior and Shadow Warrior 2, so if you’re a newcomer, you can quickly catch upahead of the sequel’s launch about a month from now. On top of that, you will also get an exclusive katana that will be your most reliable ally when the game arrives.

Shadow Warrior 3 is coming out on March 1 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC (via Steam). Make sure you check the video below while you’re here: