Kojima Productions, the folks behind Death Stranding, have announced they are setting up a new division focusing on music, film, and TV.

As GameIndustry.biz reports, the new branch will be based in Los Angeles and will be led by Riley Russel who is joining the company after spending 28 years at PlayStation. He provided a quote for the move – “The new division will be tasked with working with creative and talented professionals in television, music and film, as well as the more familiar games industry”. The aim is to expand “the reach and awareness of the properties now under development at Kojima Productions, and to make them even more a part of our popular culture.”

Kojima Productions business development manager Yoshiko Fukuda also had something to tell us on that matter: “Finding new ways to entertain, engage and offer value to our fans is essential in a fast-moving, ever-changing storytelling world. Our new division will take the studio into even more areas that present our creative narratives beyond videogames and to open up ways for our fans to communicate and immerse themselves in these spaces.”

Looking forward to seeing what this division will produce in the future. Here’s hoping that we are going to see a Death Stranding movie at some point. One can hope!