If you didn't get the chance to play The Division 2 yet, now may be your best chance to change that.

Ubisoft is offering a free trial for this amazing third-person shooter to all PS4, Xbox One, and PC players (Stadia is not included). You can play the game for eight hours or up to level 8 (whatever comes first). All of your progress will transfer to the full game (if you decide to buy it at a later point). Multiplayer itself comes with no restrictions.

To get this free trial, all you need to do is log in on the appropriate marketplace (PSN, uPlay, Epic Games, Xbox Live) and locate the trial there. That's it! Simple, isn't it? The game is also extremely cheap at the moment so you can have a go at the trial and get the full version for a ridiculously low price. A real win-win scenario!

The Division 2 is currently available on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Google Stadia.