There were some rumors going on that Crackdown 3 will be delayed and those rumors are now confirmed. As Microsoft officially announced, the game will be launched in February 2019.

Let's make a small recap here. Crackdown 3 was initially supposed to come out in late 2017. The game has been pushed to spring 2018. As the spring is nearly finished and we still had no indications that the game is even remotely close to being released, the rumors started spreading. And indeed, the game got yet another delay and it will be launched in 2019.

But it appears that this might be the last delay (finally!) as Microsoft added that we will get some exciting info on the game at this year's E3. The press conference has been scheduled for this Sunday, so we all better stay tuned to follow the updates closely.

We hope that all this waiting will be worthwhile and that Crackdown 3 will be a great game at the end. If that doesn't happen, however....well, we are sure to have a breakdown in that case. Each time for one delay that we got so far.