Yes, we actually have a "trailer for another trailer". As funny as it sounds, some developers actually do that. And the same has been done for this long-anticipated title. We got a teaser...that gave us a glimpse of what we can expect from the actual trailer. I mean that's all great but can't the game come faster?

Also, believe it or not, the video is 6 seconds long. Yes, you heard me...six seconds! Come on guys, we would be better off with some actual screenshots instead. I can't believe you're doing this!

But, hope is not lost. EA has confirmed that we will get plenty of stuff in the actual trailer. We will get more details about the characters, story and we might even see some info on the enemies as well. It's always a good idea to see who are we going to shoot down.

Anthem will come out in March 2019 and it will be released on Xbox One, PS4 and PC as well. In the meantime...uh....well, do check out this trailer-before-the-actual-trailer if you're interested. Just don't set the bar too high or you'll definitely be disappointed.