The speculations can finally be put to a full stop as EA and DICE have both revealed what we can expect to see in the upcoming Battlefield game. As we reported earlier, it will be a game set in a World War II setting and we are not going to see Battle Royale in it. There won't be any Premium Pass whatsoever so, everyone will be able to experience the game equally and without being put behind a money barrier. Which is great!

Battlefield V will focus on a new multiplayer mode called "Combined Arms" and a service that will be available once the game launches - "Tides of War". At the same time, we will also have a very adrenaline-pumping single-player mode called "War Stories" and we will be able to experience the "untold sides of the conflict" across multiple different locations around the world. The best thing here is that we will have a whole variety of different things to do and we will certainly not be bored for quite a while.

Elsewhere, the multiplayer will be just as exciting as you'd hope and it will include the 64-player Conquest mode while it will also include a highly dynamic Grand Operations mode as well. You will be able to relive some of the most iconic WW2 battles this way and that's certainly something that we all should look forward to!

Battlefield V will be shipped on October 19 and it's coming out on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. That will be the standard bundle and the Deluxe Edition is coming out one week later (on October 26).

Take a look at this awesome announcement trailer in the meantime: