Rocket League is still going strong and, no matter how long you've been playing the game, it appears that the longer you play, the more addictive it becomes. Which is why developers need to have a tight update schedule to keep the community occupied and entertained at the same time as well.
The latest update is bringing the Tournaments mode that allows you to create your own elimination tournaments and it also allows you to join the tournaments that were "pre-made" by other players. Beta testing will be open next week, starting from February 21 (10:00 AM PST) until February 23 (5 PM PST). The whole session will be hosted on Steam.
In order to join the beta, you will first need to right-click the Rocket League icon in your Steam account. Then you go to "Properties" and, after that, you need to head over to the "Betas" section and select the "Tournaments Beta" option. Once that is done, a beta client will be downloaded and it will (temporarily) replace the live client. Fear not, none of your live data will be removed and you can easily switch back to the main game by simply deselecting the beta option.
This mode will be added with the Spring update that is set to come at some point between March and April. Also, although not confirmed, some gameplay modes like Snow Day and Hoops could also end up getting this kind of ranked gameplay at some point in the future.
I'd definitely recommend you to check out the official roadmap published by Psyonix for more information on what is coming next. And take a look at this little teaser as well while you're at it: