Dota 2 will get a completely new update schedule
It will be a bi-weekly update system and it will be tested for 6 months straight.
Let's face it - It was the franchise (if we can call it like that) that kick-started the original MOBA madness but, at this point, League of Legends is kicking its butt really bad. It has a bigger audience, stronger e-sports scene and more variety when it comes to the champions as well. On top of that, it's getting more regular and (most importantly) much more balanced updates.
This is exactly what the Dota 2 devs are looking to improve in order to make a better game for both the existing players and (hopefully) some potentially new ones.
Instead of getting a couple of huge updates, the team will now release a series of smaller patches every two weeks. So, instead of getting a ton of new updates, we will be getting smaller "doses" of constant and regular updates. Here is what IceFrog posted on his official Twitter account: " We want to try taking a different approach to how gameplay patches are released. Instead of big patches a couple of times a year, we'll be releasing small patches every 2 weeks on Thursdays. We'll be trying this out for about six months and then reevaluating".
Nobody knows whether this model will turn out to be a success or not (hence the test period) but Dot Esports were already quick enough to cover this topic and to conclude that it will " likely have a noticeable impact in the professional scene". And indeed it will, regardless of whether it turns out to be a success or not.
Another thing that was mentioned is a new feature that will notify all the players of any new changes to the (available) heroes. That is a really nice addition to have, especially because you can easily track down all the innovations on one place and plan your new builds from there. It will have an even bigger importance during this test period of bi-weekly updates.
We don't know when the first update is coming yet but we will monitor the situation closely.