Shred it! Review

First off thanks to Xbox for sending us the code for this game and I have to say how nice it is to get a game that the whole family could enjoy, though I suspect that the young kids are going to get the most enjoyment out of this title.

Imagine if you can, that Tearaway and old time game SSX Tricky had had a child and this would be the end result. With it's Take Hart' style presentation and it's catchy soundtrack, this is how such a melding together of the two would end up. It's simple to play and the controls can be mastered very easily and anybody could pick this up and learn the ropes as it were within minutes. That's not to say that it does not provide a challenge, it does.

As you progress down the course you have to jump over obstacles, slide under others, stop critters stealing nuts and this is against the clock! Fall or crash and you'll lose energy, represented by the good old fashioned heart icon in the top right hand corner. You'll also collect leaves that get converted to the paper clips that you'll be spending/using as the game continues, and look out for the golden leaves!

Paper clips are used to buy customisable items such as boards, and as you progress you will unlock the other members of the cast, some of which have special abilities! The cast include a dog, a snowman and even a pair of penguins that ride the board together! 

Kiddie Friendly fun

No blood and guts, no bad language, and a catchy theme tune and soundtrack means that for once, we don't have to worry that little Suzy or Johnny isn't playing anything inappropriate, it's all good, clean family friendly fun but that does not mean it cannot throw out a challenge! Look out for ravines that have to be leaped by skimming yourself off a row of stone columns or sliding along a rope bridge that if you don't quite get the approach angle right means you'll be hurtling to your doom below! The same can be said of the ravines of course.

Replay value?

Maybe that's the one thing lacking unless you are determined to beat your score or your best time. There's also no local play which surprised me. I'd have thought some split screen racing action would have been a must have feature for this title but no, it's sadly missing and must go down as a missed opportunity.

Controlling the action.

Controls are as simple as can be and will soon be mastered. If you fail then it's your timing of the jumps and stunts that are off, do not blame the controls as they are quite responsive! Left stick steers, X jumps, etc, you'll soon get the hang of it.


All in all quirky and amusing, and one the kids will probably appreciate more than us gun toting Division players but there is some fun to be found here. Smooth and responsive controls and all in all it may just bring a smile to your face.