Massworks ID-75 review
hothardware have taken a look at the ID-75, a unique product from Massworks. The Massworks ID-75 is a USB Touchscreen controller with thousands of can be everything from a game controller to an extended desktop. Heres a bit:
Included in the box you'll find the ID-75 itself, a CD containing the drivers and Layout Creation software, a 12v DC Power adapter and a high quality USB data cable. There was also a simple document outlining the ID-75's installation, but sadly no complete user's manual. Considering the fairly large price tag, we would also have liked to have seen a complete game or two or some applications bundled with it that would highlight the ID-75's features and usefulness. In it's current shipping state, the Massworks ID-75 is equipped with only the items needed to get the product up and running. What do you say we get this baby installed and she what she's all about...