The Witcher 2 80% towards perfect with patch 2.0
CDP's development director Adam Badowski says patch fixed 80% of issues with the game
In an interview with RockPaperShotgun CDP's development director Adam Badowski discusses the development of The Witcher 2 and reveals that 80% of what was wrong with the game initially will be fixed with with patch 2.0.
"Of course, the game wasn't perfect. It had its strengths and weaknesses. Yet even with the version as initially released, I'm confident in saying that we achieved a level of quality well above the average we see coming from the games industry these days. I think it's important that we reacted so quickly to all the comments. There were things that needed improvement, and I'd say that 80% of them have already been, or will be improved with version 2.0. So, we're getting closer and closer to a really super-polished gaming experience, and that's not a common beast in our industry." he said
Another note touched on was the online registration, which is blamed on a third party for failing to deliver, and the installation of DRM:
"There was one thing that proved a huge thorn in our side at release. It was the Internet architecture put in place to support online registration. The external company that provided all that proved to be insufficiently prepared. We had to react very quickly - servers were replaced and the first patch was released. We severed relations with the third-party provider and adopted a different solution, relying more heavily on internal resources. Also, we simplified the installation process by removing DRM with our first patch (the fallout from this has included being sued by our publisher in French court, but I remain confident that we made the right decision)."
Also in the interview you can find more about The Witcher 2, the latest patch and even The Witcher 3?